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Big Data Analytics & Machine Learning Workshop

August 6-7, 2019
11am-5pm both days
571 Rhodes Hall, Cornell University

Registration deadline: August 2, 2019

XSEDE along with the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (PSC) is pleased to announce a two day Big Data workshop, to be held August 6-7, 2019. This NSF-sponsored workshop will focus on topics such as Hadoop and Spark.

Local participation on the Ithaca campus at 571 Rhodes Hall will be provided using the Wide Area Classroom training platform, and will be facilitated by Cornell Center for Advanced Computing (CAC) staff.


  1. Go to the XSEDE User Portal
  2. Do you have a login account for this portal? Sign in, or use the "Create Account" button, and then sign in
  3. Go to the Cornell site registration page and use the "REGISTER NOW" button

Questions? Contact Tom Maiden at PSC or Susan Mehringer at CAC.


Tuesday, August 6, 2019Wednesday, August 7, 2019
11:00 Welcome
11:25 Intro to Big Data
12:00 Hadoop
12:30 Intro to Spark
1:00 Lunch break (on your own)
2:00 Spark
3:30 Spark Exercises
4:30 Spark
5:00 Adjourn
11:00 Machine Learning: Recommender System with Spark
1:00 Lunch break (on your own)
2:00 Deep Learning with TensorFlow
4:30 Bridges: A Big Data Platform
5:00 Adjourn