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Lucia Walle
Systems Analyst/Programmer

Lucia Walle

Lucy joined Cornell University in 2000, primarily, at the time, to work on Microsoft computing technologies. Currently she is using technologies to enhance high performance computing and grid systems along with data intensive computing. She has worked on the development of a batch scheduler and resource manager, and provided material used to help partners build and maintain clusters.

Send email or phone 607.254.8775.

Areas of Research or Expertise

  • Scheduling and Optimization for clusters
  • Web Services and Applications in .NET 
  • Architecting multi-tier software applications
  • Integration of cross platform computing
  • utilizing Red Cloud
  • Dell Certified Technician
  • System Administration: Linux, Windows
  • Active Directory


  • NSF Aristotle Cloud Federation
  • Campus Integration - Scientific Applications for XSEDE
  • Workflow solutions for data transfer and accessibility
  • CAC Accounting System

Selected Publications and Presentations

Cornell Log Analysis and Monitoring Project(CLAMP)
CAC Techncial Report
Michael Padula, Lucia Walle

EScience in Practice: Lessons from the Cornell Web Lab
W. Arms, M. Calimlim, L. Walle
D-Lib Magazine

Building a research library for the history of the web, International Conference on Digital Libraries Proceedings of the 6th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries, Chapel Hill, NC, USA Year of Publication: 2006,

Arms, W., Aya, S., Dmitriev, P., Kot, B., Mitchell, R., Walle, L., A Research Library for the Web based on the Historical Collections of the Internet Archive. D-Lib Magazine. February 2006.

Introduction to .NET and Web Services for HPC Applications, SuperComputing 2005 Seattle, WA Event Type:Tutorial, Date: November 13, 2005,

D. Lifka, L. Walle, V. Zaloj and J. Zollweg. Using .NET for Computationally Intensive Applications: A Fast Start, Microsoft Tech Ed 2002, Presentation, New Orleans, LA, April 2002
D. Lifka, L. Walle, V. Zaloj and J. Zollweg. High Performance Computing using .NET and Application Center 2000, Presentation for Microsoft Server DevCon Conference Seattle WA 2002,

D. Lifka, L. Walle, V. Zaloj and J. Zollweg. Increasing the Accessibility of Parallel Processing with Microsoft .NET. Dell Power Solutions 42-46, 2002

D. Lifka, L. Walle, and V. Zaloj. What's all the Hype about .NET? In: Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 2002, Orlando, 2002


B.A., Computer Science, State University of New York at Geneseo 

Memberships/Professional Affiliations

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)