Sponsor: Clinical and Translational Science Center (CTSC)
Speakers: David Lifka, John Ruffing, Steve Lantz, Steven Lee, Susan Mehringer
Two sessions will be offered:
To attend either session: Register
Staff from Information Technologies & Services (ITS) and Cornell Center for Advanced Computing (CAC) will provide details on
In addition to demos, participants will be invited to try out the services on preconfigured machines.
There is no charge for the workshops, but seating is limited. Priority will be given to researchers, students and staff involved in research on the CTSC; however, all faculty and staff of the CTSC’s partner institutions are encouraged to apply. Enrollment will be on a first come/first served basis.
These sessions have been made possible through a partnership with the Cornell University Center for Advanced Computing (CAC), and will be led by CAC staff. The CTSC is a multi-institutional consortium led by Weill-Cornell Medical College, partnered with Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Hospital for Special Surgery, and Hunter College of the City University of New York.
Questions: David Lifka, Director Research Computing - WCMC